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Mortgage Broker Melbourne

We simplify the

loan application

Finfix Broker Group is an expert mortgage broker Melbourne service provider in the financial sector offering professional support to clients with passion and commitment. We are successfully resolving finance-related issues of the client with customised solutions. We have established our credibility with trustworthy and reliable mortgage broker services.

Our mortgage broker service comes with quality & detail.

We maintain high standards and a customer-centric approach to delivering our services.

Why choose us?

Finfix Broker Group has been recognised as a renowned financial firm providing efficient mortgage brokerage services to clients.

Industry Knowledge

We have extensive knowledge and experience in the specialised field and enjoy a loyal client base by providing quality service and valuable guidance to clients for resolving financial issues.

Market Research

We have done research and analysis on lending services including banks and can provide you with a range of options to choose the best that suits your needs.


We value the time commitment and our representatives will meet you as per your time and location preference. We are always available with our expert services to guide you in loan processing.

Transparent Cost

The service charges include lender and government fees. We offer complimentary service to customers availing loans or financing from orchid international which partners with us.


We always focus on client convenience and make the loan process simple and fast. We are always approachable to help you in the application process.

Safety & Security

Finfix provides a list of 50+ lenders with loan rates and features that you can compare using our online comparison tool. It allows you to make suitable comparisons to decide on the best loan option to meet your requirements.
Lenders on Panel

See the latest rate from over 50+ lenders. Finfix Broker Group Online Loan Compare comparison tool enables you to compare the rates and features of different loans to find the right loan that suits your needs.

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